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Profil de 1777420

I am here to tap into the French Origin of my being to unleash my astronomical sign, For it has been held back from indulging in the many splenders that are across the sea beyond my reach yet not my sight and if my eyes do not lie than I shall be able to reach out my hands to greet than bow my head in complete aww... As I plant my first Real kiss on the back of the hand of whatever Beauty I have met to ahhhh, what an Image My mind creates for a future I only see in my Dreams.... This all comes from a thirty year old mixed man of beautiful cultures Hispanic and French I speak the tongues just not so fluent in My French all in good time..God willing...

  • Bisexe




  • Conception du libertinage

    Exhiber sa femme en public
    Filmer sa femme
    Fréquente les sex-shops
    Soirées privées
    "Tête à tête" avec une seule femme
    Va en club en couple
  • Goûts divers

    Chattes lisses
    Femmes âgées
    Femmes rondes
    Voir sa femme avec une autre femme
  • Pratiques sexuelles

    Se faire sucer
    Trio FFH

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